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Craciun fericit si un An Nou prosper!

December 21, 2020

De sfintele Sarbatori sa ne deschidem inima pentru speranta, bucurie si lumina. Sa fim mai buni si sa privim inainte cu incredere, stiind ca daca avem credinta, drumul din fata noastra va fi presarat cu impliniri. Craciun fericit si un An Nou prosper!

AGM 2020

December 21, 2020

In atentia membrilor activi (cu plata cotizatiei la zi) ai RCCAC

Nota privind Adunarea Generala Anuala a RCCAC pentru anul 2020

Stimati membri,

Ne face placere sa va anuntam ca in sedinta ordinara a conducerii RCCAC din 17 decembrie a.c. s-a hotarat ca, datorita pandemiei COVID-19, Adunarea Generala Anuala a asociatiei sa aiba loc online, luni 28 decembrie 2020, la ora 6 pm.

Pentru o organizare eficienta si desfasurare coerenta a intalnirii, va rugam confirmati participarea pe emailul, precum si numarul de persoane din familie (adulti, conform cererii de adeziune) care doresc sa participle la AGM.

Va asteptam!

Happy Thanksgiving!

October 11, 2020

 We hope you have a wonderful day celebrating all there is to be thankful for.

GlobalFest 2020 - Romanian Cultural Pavilion

Virtual edition

June 27, 2020

Coming soon. Keep calm and visit the event page!

Ziua Universala a Iei | Universal Day of the Romanian Blouse 

June 24, 2020

In ziua de 24 iunie, in Romania şi in comunităţile romaneşti din intreaga lume se sarbatoreste Ziua Universală a Iei.

Ia este cea mai importantă componentă a costumului tradițional romanesc, deoarece determină compoziţia ornamentală a costumului. Ia a fost purtată pentru prima dată in perioada culturii Cucuteni (aprox. 5500 iîe.n.- 2750 i.e.n.), una dintre cel mai vechi civilizații din Europa. Este impodobită cu broderii si motive populare romanești mai ales la maneci, pe piept și la gat. Unele ii sunt impodobite și cu mărgele sau paiete.

Suntem bucurosi sa ne alaturam initiativei de a celebra acest tezaur romanesc cu o selectie de fotografii reprezentand ii din toate partile Romaniei, purtate de oameni aflati in diferite parti ale lumii.


On June 24, in Romania and in the Romanian communities around the world, we celebrate Universal Day of the Romanian Blouse.

Ia is the most important component of the traditional Romanian costume because it determines the ornamental composition of the costume. Ia was worn for the first time during the Cucuteni culture (approx. 5500 BC - 2750 BC), one of the oldest civilizations in Europe. It is adorned with embroideries in Romanian folk motifs, especially on the sleeves, on the chest, and on the neck. Some are also adorned with beads or sequins.

We are happy to join the initiative to celebrate this Romanian treasure, with a selection of photography representing the Romanian Blouses from all parts of Romania, worn by people in different parts of the world.

The Romanian Blouse - Calgary AB, Canada 2020

International Children's Day

June 1st, 2020

Wishing a joyful children's day to every kid in the world! 

Please see a little video with our children and students here at the "Romanian School in Prairie" both, having their classes and having fun together.

Ziua romanilor de pretutindeni

 sarbatorita in fiecare an in ultima duminica a lunii mai

May 31, 2020

Va dorim sa fiti fericiti si sa va bucurati de fiecare data cand va intoarceti la radacini!

There's nothing like a mother's love to give us all the strength we need to succeed.

Happy Mother's Day!

May 10, 2020

Happy Easter!

April 19, 2020

Hristos a înviat! Să fiți binecuvântați cu bogăție sufletească, cu iubire și cu speranță. Sărbătorile să vă aducă binemeritata pace și sănătate, dumneavoastră și celor dragi. Paște fericit.

“Hello, Spring!” Romanian event set for March 14, 2020, canceled

March  12, 2020

Dragi prieteni,

Stimati membri,

Avand in vedere situatia dificila in care ne aflam cu totii in aceasta perioada referitoare la raspandirea Coronavirus in Calgary si recomandarile Health Service Alberta din acesta dupa-amiaza, conducerea RCCAC a decis in urma cu cateva ore inchiderea evenimentului “Hello Spring!”, eveniment care urma sa aiba loc in data de 14 martie 2020 la Centrul Cultural Croat.

Ne pare rau pentru orice inconvenient, speram ca toti sa ne pastram calmul si sa depasim cu bine aceasta perioada.

Sanatate tuturor!


Hi everyone,

Due to the rapidly evolving situation regarding COVID – 19, and based on advice from medical health authorities and the Government of Alberta’s prohibition on the gathering of more than 250 people, gathering with international participants and gathering when the organizer cannot assure social distance, RCCAC convened in extraordinary session on March 12, 2020, decided to close the event named above and set to be held at the Croatian Canadian Cultural Centre.

As circumstances are rapidly changing a new date has not been confirmed at this time but it is our current intention to reschedule the event when the times permit. We assure you our decision to close the event was not made lightly. However, the safety of our guests, team members, and community is our top priority during these uncertain times.

Stay safe and stay sane!

International Women's Day

March 8, 2020

Happy "Martisor"!

March  1st, 2020

"Firul alb e sănătate,

Cel roșu, posperitate.

Amandouă, impreună,

Formează o cununa

De succes si voie bună."

La multi ani de Martisor!

"The Pitesti Experiment" Film

February 16, 2020


"The Pitesti Experiment"

Film screening, crowdfunding & discussion with Director Victoria Baltag.

Sunday, March 1, 2020 | 2 pm | Seton Library - Auditorium Room, 4995 Market St. SE, Calgary AB T3M 2P9.

Free admission.

If you consider a contribution please donate here by Feb. 29, or you can make a regular price ticket donation at the location. Anything counts.

Limited seats. Please RSVP at 587-889-9890, Veronica Chirnoaga.

A.P. – 12 (Parental accord for children under 12).

An event hosted by the Romanian Canadian Cultural Association of Calgary with the support of Mrs. Maria Serban, Honorary Consul of Romania in Alberta.


The Pitesti Experiment is an unfinished, historic film, a 100% independent production, the only Romanian film funded by crowdsourcing, with visibility in the national and international press of over 4,000 news, even before the release, according to the film director, Victoria Baltag. The film is due to be released in December this year.

The movie depicts the true story of the events which took place in Romania between 1949 and 1951 when, following the establishment of the Communist regime, all students were compelled to become members of the Party. Consequently, those who refused were imprisoned and 're-educated'. The re-education phenomenon, a concept borrowed from the Soviet pedagogue A.S. Makarenko, relied on the assumption that every person can become a 'new entity' through 're-education', which in this instance was achieved by means of both physical and mental torture.


We are raising funds to help Victoria Baltag - the Director, and her production team, to finish the film with the post-production costs, including music, color grading, sound editing (foley, dialogue cleaning, sound design, mastering, mixing), enveloping (text and credentials). Early this spring of 2020 Victoria will have a presentation film tour in Canada aiming to raise awareness on such a vital yet hidden part of Romania’s history.

The tour will include the cities of Toronto – ON (Feb. 28), Edmonton – AB (Feb. 29), Calgary – AB (March 1), Regina – SK (March 3), Winnipeg – MB (March 9), and will be achievable with the help of local cultural associations and/or Romanian diplomatic missions.

Membership 2020

February 12, 2020

Stimati membri, Dragi prieteni,

Va invitam sa fiti alaturi de noi si in acest an, devenind membri ai Asociatiei Culturale a Romanilor din Calgary, sau reinnoindu-va aceasta calitate. Conform statutului asociatiei cotizatia de membru se plateste anual, pana la 31 martie a anului in curs, pentru anul in curs.

Pentru a deveni membri ai RCCAC va rugam completati formularul sau cererea de adeziune din pagina urmatoare

Plata pentru membership poate fi efectuata via e-transfer la adresa de email

Dupa finalizarea tranzactiei financiare veti primi confirmarea inregistrarii ca membru al RCCAC, chitanta si cardul de membru conform modelului aratat mai sus.

Plata cotizatiei de membru via e-transfer fara confirmarea de primire din partea membrilor conducerii RCCAC nu atesta calitatea de membru.

Alaturandu-va ca membru al echipei RCCAC sunteti de acord:

-Să respectati statul si regulamentul asociatiei, asa cum sunt ele redactate in By-Laws si in Ethical Standard Code;

-Să promovati obiectivele si activitatile RCCAC;

-Să susţineti si sa participati la activităţile RCCAC;

-Să respectati normele de etică profesională şi conduită morală;

-Să puneti la dispoziţia RCCAC cunoştinţele de care dispuneti in vederea organizării activităţilor care se vor desfăşura in beneficiul comun al tuturor membrilor;

-Să nu participati direct, indirect, explicit sau sugestiv la acţiuni care dăunează prestigiului şi intereselor asociaţiei şi a membrilor sai.

Vă multumim si vă asteptam alături de noi!

Hello Spring!

February 12, 2020

Dragi prieteni,

Actrita si cantareata Maria Buza va sustine un spectacol in Calgary, pe 14 martie, alaturi de Taraful George Patrascu si solista Alina Radi.

Evenimentul gazduit de RCCAC va avea loc la Centrul Cultural Croat, 3010 12 St NE, Calgary, AB T2E 7P7, incepand cu ora 7pm.

Biletele pot fi cumparate via e-transfer la adresa de email Biletele nu sunt rambursabile, dar pot fi transmisibile.

Pretul unui bilet este $90 non-membru, $75 membru RCCAC. In pretul biletului este inclusa cina.

Cash bar. Eveniment 12+.

Va asteptam cu drag!

"The Pitesti Experiment" Film

January 29, 2020

Romanian Canadian Cultural Association of Calgary supports and promotes the unfinished Romanian historic film "The Pitesti Experiment"

The Pitesti Experiment is an unfinished, historic film, a 100% independent production, the only Romanian film funded by crowdsourcing, with visibility in the national and international press of over 4,000 news, even before the release, according to the film director, Victoria Baltag. The film is due to be released in December this year.

The movie depicts the true story of the events which took place in Romania between 1949 and 1951 when, following the establishment of the Communist regime, all students were compelled to become members of the Party. Consequently, those who refused were imprisoned and 're-educated'. The re-education phenomenon, a concept borrowed from the Soviet pedagogue A.S. Makarenko, relied on the assumption that every person can become a 'new entity' through 're-education', which in this instance was achieved by means of both physical and mental torture.

We are raising funds to help Victoria Baltag - the Director, and her production team, to finish the film with the post-production costs, including music, color grading, sound editing (foley, dialogue cleaning, sound design, mastering, mixing), enveloping (text and credentials). The needed amount remained for the above stages is 36,000 Euros which represents the 20% that they're missing to complete this true story film. All the money we'll collect through this campaign will go to Victoria Baltag production.

Early this spring of 2020 Victoria intend to have a presentation film tour in Canada aiming to raise awareness on such a vital yet hidden part of Romania’s history, tour that will include the cities of Calgary - AB, Edmonton - AB, Regina - SK, Winnipeg - MB, Montreal - QC, and will be achievable with the help of local cultural associations and/or Romanian diplomatic missions. In this sense, this fundraising campaign will run for a limited period, between January and February 2020.

Any donation and any share count. Be with us! Donate here!

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