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Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Poland, and France

"Once upon a time (circa end-of-2010), there was a wee but vibrant community of 15,000 proud Calgarians of Romanian heritage who urged their official strong “voice”, namely the Romanian-Canadian Cultural Association of Calgary (RCCAC) to put them on the map (after 112 years of significant contribution to making Canada and Alberta the wonderfully multicultural land they are today). RCCAC’s then-Board listened and worked tirelessly for a whole year to add a Romanian Film Festival to the ever richer cultural life our city enjoys. November 2011 saw a magical weekend of acclaimed Romanian films being presented to all Calgarian movie aficionados. The Plaza Cinema in the heart of lovely, quirky and spirited Kensington area felt like the epicenter of everything European not just the masterfully crafted canvas of everything Romanian.

... Calgary European Film Fest (CEFF) took flight in November of 2012: five nations came together to make it happen. There’s twenty-two of us right now, Canadian (and Calgarian) communities of European Descent and there are a full ten days of film bliss happening every November right here. We are grateful, we are blessed…and we know we are loved and fondly watched by all Calgarians, irrespective of ethnicity or continent our ancestors left behind for a better life…". - Maria Serban


Initiators: Maria Serban, Lelia Miron, Tudor Dinca

#203 223 12 Ave SW Calgary AB, T2R 0G9

587-889-9890 | 403-807-2916

© 2015-2024 RCCAC

Website & Logo Design Rebuilt  2019 by Image Consulting Expert

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